For those without Accu-Tuners, or for those with older Accu-Tuners without the Piano Librarian software, the download package may still be of interest. In addition to the tuning files in the. sat format, the download package also contains the templates in the Excel Spreadsheet format and can be opened with Excel or any other spreadsheet program.
The general layout on the spreadsheet is as follows:
Row 1 is the ‘note on the piano’: A0, A#0, B0, C1, C#1, &c.
Row 2 – PTG1 – contains my contact information.
Row 6 – PTG2 –contains: A4 A7 (A2 A3/A5) and the name of this tuning group.
The first tuning begins on Row 10.
Each tuning takes up 3 rows on the spreadsheet:
The first row of the tuning contains the ‘tuning’s” number (001,002, 003, 004, &c.) as well as important information about the tuning. The number after the ‘page’ or tuning number is the setting for A4, the next number is the setting for A7, the next number (in parenthesis) is the setting for A2, and the last 2 numbers are the settings for A3/A5 on that particular tuning.
The 2nd row is the cents setting for each note.
The 3rd row contains the partial used for that particular setting.
When using these tunings, the correct partial for each note must be used!!
Additional information about these tunings is contained in the .pdf files contained in this download package.
The tuning templates contained in this download package are designed for tweaking to fit the piano using a simple offset and DOB.
{ This article relates to, and is included in, the Download Tunings Package available for download here: Conrad Tunings }